Thursday, September 1, 2011

In case you're missing Brian...

And if you aren't missing Brian... you will be by the time this post is done!

This morning:
B: Your hair is fuzzy in the back, it looks like bed head
C: I know. I like it. This is the first day my hair has looked good in ages
B: But really, it's fuzzy in the back, like bed head
C: I know. But I just hate my hair lately, it just looks so terrible!
B: Yes, your hair hasn't looked this bad in years
C: That actually doesn't help at all. If I use words like "hate" that means I need some support
B: Oh, I just thought you wanted me to validate your ideas. Maybe your hair will look better once it grows out

5 minutes later... as I'm walking out the door
B: Bye, have a good day, good luck with your hair

Now, don't you miss him! There's nobody like my Brian!


  1. Hilarious! I can hear your voices saying this.

  2. We miss you both, but this post is so nostalgic of Brian's diplomacy...
